Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is Coming to the Nintendo Switch!
With a lot of announcements coming out of E3, here’s some gaming news that packs a punch. The open world RPG Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is coming to the Nintendo Switch this fall!
Already available for other systems including the Xbox One, PS4, and PC, this 2020 title based on Akira Toriyama’s smash Dragon Ball Z anime-manga arrives on the Switch on September 24th.
As part of the deal, the Switch version of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will come bundled with the first of two DLC packs, entitled A New Power Awakens.
A new trailer for the Switch port of Kakarot has been unveiled to coincide with the E3 announcement! Watch below!
Here's the key visual for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot along with the official description from Bandai Namco!
Developed in Japan by video game developer CyberConnect2; the game tells the legendary story of DRAGON BALL Z, taking players on an unforgettable adventure to experience over-the-top battles and challenging quests while creating life-long friendships as they crusade to protect Earth from fearsome villains. Additionally, DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT will also present resolutions to long unanswered questions from the DRAGON BALL Z storyline through light-hearted side quests.